Probes are classified into 5 categories: 1. curated_transcript_mapping_probes.tsv Probes matching curated RefSeq transcripts (transcripts starting with NM_). For each probe, we provide - the RefSeq transcript accession - the number of mismatches with which the probe sequence matched the transcript sequence - location within the transcript sequence that is matched by the probe sequence - the exon number or the splice junction which is covered by the probe - the assembly with respect to which the mapping was calculated (Primary, Celera or Common) - the gene name and entrez gene id associated with the transcript 2. uncurated_transcript_mapping_probes.tsv Probes matching uncurated RefSeq transcripts (transcripts starting with XM_ or XR_). The same details as above are provided for each probe. 3. intronic_and_near_gene_probes.tsv Probes falling in intronic regions or within 500 bp of a Primary assembly transcript. For each probe, we provide - the genomic location at which the probe sequence matched the genomic sequences - the overlapping gene feature (one of INTRON, UP, DOWN) indicating whether the probe sequence matches a location that falls within the intron of a known transcript, or whether it falls a 500bp region upstream or downstream of a known transcipt - the intron number - the gene name and entrez gene id associated with the transcript 4. genomic_probes_only.tsv Probes matching the genomic sequence but not falling in the above categories. For each probe, we provide - the genomic location matched by the probe sequence - the number of mismatches with which the probe sequence matched the genomic sequence 5. no_match_probes.txt Probes matching neither the genome nor the transcriptome sequences